Aesthetically focused Multi-Disciplinary Treatment planning with Aligner - Events - Dental Tribune MEA

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Aesthetically focused Multi-Disciplinary Treatment planning with Aligner


Event 13 April 2019


Follow the link to register for this hands-on course <click here>

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Course Objectives

  • Understanding what clear aligners are and their limitations
  • Understanding the scope of Treatment planning aligners alongside, Restorative, Periodontal and Implant treatment modalities
  • Retention protocol post treatment
  • Advances in CAD CAM designed to help in treatment planning.

With an advancing scope for orthodontic treatment transcending from a young teen group to an adult population, our scope for understanding and evaluating their use in treatment planning has vastly increased. Not only has their scope dramatically increased in treating orthodontic mal occlusions of various degrees but their scope within multi-disciplinary treatment has expanded much more.

Dealing with cosmetically focused patients and delivering ethical treatment that matches both the desires of the patient and the clinician has become an increasing challenge. The challenge has been to overcome the appearance of these disciplines as separate entities but to combine them into delivering an overall result for the patient.  Combining orthodontic aligner, periodontics & restorative treatment planning combinations we can show can you can expand on the ABB (Align, Bleach, Bond) concept and also how combining these disciplines can provide a better overall aesthetic ortho-resotrative outcome

We will also discuss the larger use CAD CAM designed treatment and the expanse in its ability into treatment planning, it has allowed to provide a focused, predictable approach
