DT News - MEA - UNIDI partners with FDI for joint dental event in Africa

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UNIDI partners with FDI for joint dental event in Africa

Impression of the National Park Niokolo Koba in Senegal. (Photograph: klublu/Shutterstock)
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Sun. 10 August 2014


DAKAR, Senegal: The Italian Dental Industries Association (UNIDI) has announced that it recently entered into a partnership with the FDI World Dental Federation for the organisation of a joint dental event in Senegal. In November this year, the partners will be holding the first International Dental Exhibition Africa (IDEA), the only dental exhibition entirely dedicated to the African continent, alongside the FDI’s African congress.

The FDI stated that the congress will be the first in a series of three dental congresses in Africa to be held from 2014 to 2016 and developed in collaboration with UNIDI. For this purpose, the FDI has entered into a three-year agreement with IDEA Dakar, the UNIDI company that was set up at the beginning of the year to facilitate organisation and provide efficient support on a local level.

The agreement allows UNIDI to promote IDEA using the FDI logo in its online and print media. In addition, the FDI may complement the scientific programme of the first IDEA and will be responsible for the scientific programme of the subsequent two events in 2015 and 2016.

UNIDI said that this year’s programme will feature hands-on courses on oral surgery and expert presentations on the use of laser technology in dentistry, among other topics, such as preventative dental care in elementary schools and the manufacture of prostheses.

According to UNIDI, many Italian dental manufacturers and a number of major international companies have already confirmed their participation in the event in November this year.

The FDI stated that its new series of congresses is part of the organisation’s Strategy for Africa, a strategy for the development and improvement of oral health in Africa, which was developed during the FDI African Summit in South Africa in 2012 together with representatives of 16 African dental associations, stakeholders, the World Health Organization and government delegates. For the 2014 Dakar event, the FDI is organising a two-day summit for the presidents of 20 African national dental associations.

The summit will be held alongside IDEA from 8 to 10 November in Dakar at the Centre International du Commerce Extérieur du Sénégal.

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