Digital Libraries: Technology meets the smile design

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Digital Libraries: Technology meets the smile design


NUVO serves confident smiles with more precise and time effective solutions for prosthetics stage. In addition to NUVO’s full adaptable prosthetics portfolio, NUVO libraries are available in most common CAD softwares as Exocad and 3shape.


  • Compatibility with Digital Workflow: In addition to Ti Base and premilled options, each step of digital workflow supported with the scanbodies in impression and modelling stages.
  • Versatile: NUVO’s comprehensive prosthetic portfolio offers different platform sizes with single and multi unit restorations. Digital workflow is adaptable in both InternalFIT and ConicalFIT selections.
  • Customizable restorations: Digital workflow helps professional to meet precise modeling ends with  patient satisfaction.

For further information of digital libraries, please contact with your local distributor.
