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Latest issue
prevention international No. 2, 2020
Cover / Editorial / Content / The dental hygienist in times of COVID-19 / Mental health in the dental profession during the COVID-19 pandemic / “With a healthy oral cavity, the effects of hormonal fl uctuations on periodontal health will be minimal” / For young people too, interdental brushing should be a daily habit / Plaque control measures and thrust for preventive dentistry—dentists’ attitude / Oral health programme for athletes proves successful for sporting performance / Laser-assisted prophylaxis around zirconia implants / Effects of 10,600 nm carbon dioxide lasers on preventing caries / Designing for the environment—sustainability in plastic products / The Smile Revolution supports dental professionals around the world / BioMin F in Smile Revolution podcast / Reducing the risk of infection in dental settings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
The dental hygienist in times of COVID-19
06 - 09 -
Mental health in the dental profession during the COVID-19 pandemic
10 - 11 -
“With a healthy oral cavity, the effects of hormonal fl uctuations on periodontal health will be minimal”
12 - 13 -
For young people too, interdental brushing should be a daily habit
14 - 15 -
Plaque control measures and thrust for preventive dentistry—dentists’ attitude
16 - 18 -
Oral health programme for athletes proves successful for sporting performance
20 - 21 -
Laser-assisted prophylaxis around zirconia implants
22 - 24 -
Effects of 10,600 nm carbon dioxide lasers on preventing caries
26 - 32 -
Designing for the environment—sustainability in plastic products
34 - 36 -
The Smile Revolution supports dental professionals around the world
38 - 39 -
BioMin F in Smile Revolution podcast
40 - 43 -
Reducing the risk of infection in dental settings
44 - 46 -
Submission guidelines
48 - 48 -
50 - 50