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Latest issue
roots international No. 3, 2013
Cover / Editorial / Content / Endodontic retreatment and adhesive restoration of structurally compromised second premolar / In vitro analysis of efficiency and safety of a new motion for endodontic instrumentation: TF Adaptive / MounceFiles:A safe - economical and efficient option for canal preparation / Hands onwith the new reciprocating motion file system / Adapting to the anatomy - guided by the canal / Eight-year follow-up of successful intentional replantation / Visual information and imaging technology in endodontics / Industry News / International Events / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
Endodontic retreatment and adhesive restoration of structurally compromised second premolar
06 - 10 -
In vitro analysis of efficiency and safety of a new motion for endodontic instrumentation: TF Adaptive
12 - 15 -
MounceFiles:A safe - economical and efficient option for canal preparation
16 - 21 -
Hands onwith the new reciprocating motion file system
22 - 23 -
Adapting to the anatomy - guided by the canal
24 - 26 -
Eight-year follow-up of successful intentional replantation
28 - 31 -
Visual information and imaging technology in endodontics
32 - 32 -
Industry News
34 - 38 -
International Events
40 - 40 -
Submission Guidelines
41 - 41 -
42 - 42