Zhermack – Hi-Tray Light Clear

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Zhermack – Hi-Tray Light Clear


Zhermack S.p.A. – Middle East


The Hi-Tray Light Clear are clear plastic impression trays for standard applications or for applications with light-curing materials.

Metal and plastic impression trays

Zhermack offers a wide range of impression trays for fixed prosthesis, in metal and in plastic, and for removable prosthesis, in rigid plastic. The Zhermack range of impression trays is also suitable for many uses like models in the practice, bruxism bites, whitening masks, sports masks for bites, impressions for custom impression trays, preliminary impressions, impressions for in-lay and on-lay, etc.


  • Made in clear plastic
  • Available in the following versions:
    – Small upper and lower
    – Medium upper and lower
    – Large upper and lower


  • Transparent
  • Disposable
  • Autoclavable
  • Rigid
  • Perforated design for improved mechanical retention
  • Reinforced grip with ribbing for a better distribution of the pressure exerted

For more info on the product visit: https://www.zhermack.com/en/product/hi-tray-light-clear/

Courtesy of Zhermack SpA
