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Latest issue
laser international No. 1, 2018
Cover / Editorial / Content / Nd:YAG laser-assisted removal of instrument fragments / Gingival depigmentation using diode laser / Creating natural-looking composite restorations / Periodontal aesthetics with soft-tissue lasers / Periodontal tissue regeneration / Return on investment of dental laser education and technology / Successful communication in your daily practice / Manufacturer news / News international / Editorial / News Germany / Imprint /
1 - 1 -
3 - 3 -
4 - 4 -
Nd:YAG laser-assisted removal of instrument fragments
6 - 7 -
Gingival depigmentation using diode laser
8 - 10 -
Creating natural-looking composite restorations
12 - 15 -
Periodontal aesthetics with soft-tissue lasers
16 - 18 -
Periodontal tissue regeneration
20 - 22 -
Return on investment of dental laser education and technology
24 - 27 -
Successful communication in your daily practice
28 - 29 -
Manufacturer news
30 - 30 -
News international
32 - 34 -
37 - 37 -
News Germany
38 - 40 -
42 - 42