DT News - MEA - Inlays, Onlays and Oclusal Veneers Hands-On Course with Dr. Mahn in Dubai

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Inlays, Onlays and Oclusal Veneers Hands-On Course with Dr. Mahn in Dubai

Dr. Eduardo Mahn from Chile
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Wed. 28 December 2016


In the heart of the Intercontinental Hotel Festival City in Dubai, Dr. Eduardo Mahn from Chile will present the latest techniques for preparation and cementation inlays, onlays, and occlusal veneers. The targeted audiences are the dentists who want to improve their dental knowledge and to expand their level of dental practice.

This workshop is only one out of eight that Dr. Eduardo will have during the Dubai Dental Week which is a part of the twelfth edition of theannual CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Conference & Exhibition taht will take place on 05-06 May 2017.

Gain your certificate with CE Credits simply by join this lecture. If you would to offer your patients some other solution and learn from the expert,  attend this workshop and bring them a revolutionary way of working in the modern dentistry.

The course has a purpose to:

  • Understanding the differences and advantages of each indication( inlays, inlays, table tops and overlays)
  • Learn about their indications and when to cover or to leave a cusp
  • Comprehension the newest improvements In modern ceramic materials
  • Gain knowledge in preparation of the posterior teeth in a minimally invasive way, defect oriented.
  • To consider when the CAD/CAM technology represents an advantage for the patient to the conventional techniques.

Reserve your seat at the organizer’s website. Set your alarm for 04 May 2017 and join our hands-on course which would be an impressive and advanced dental event.

Registration is now open on the organizers website. For more information on the course take a look at the brochure of the course.

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