DT News - MEA - Metal 3D Printed Frameworks for PFM crowns and bridges

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Metal 3D Printed Frameworks for PFM crowns and bridges

Metal 3D Printed Frameworks


Thu. 23 March 2017


Sinterex is the first company in the UAE to offer metal 3D printed Chrome Cobalt frameworks for crowns and bridges.

Based in Dubai, Sinterex uses state-of-the-art metal 3D printing technology to produce high quality Chrome Cobalt frameworks for PFM crowns and bridges. Sinterex uses a specially developed Chrome Cobalt alloy which is bio-compatible and certified as safe for use in dental / medical applications. The production process starts by rolling a very thin layer of the Cobalt Chrome powder, one third of the thickness of a human hair, onto a build tray, a laser is then used to selectively melt the powder in the desired shape. By repeating this process layer by layer, step by step, the finished part is gradually built up.

Metal 3D printing is very attractive compared with the traditional techniques of producing metal frameworks. It is possible to print up to 60 crowns or bridges in under 4 hours with no requirement for further sintering. Because the process is CAD based the frameworks are also very accurate, giving great fit without any re-working.

Sinterex is a digitally enabled business. Customers submit designs via the company’s website for immediate printing. For more information or to submit some sample designs for testing please visit www.sinterex.com/clients

Sinterex will be presenting its product at 12th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Exhibition on 05-06 May 2017.

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