DT News - MEA - Interview: "Motivation and team work were the success and continuity of the LOS over the years."

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Interview: "Motivation and team work were the success and continuity of the LOS over the years."

Dr Mona Sayegh Ghoussoub, President of the Lebanese Orthodontic Society (LOS)
Kinga Mollov, DTMEA

Kinga Mollov, DTMEA

Fri. 12 April 2019


The Lebanese Orthodontic Society (LOS) is one of the oldest dental societies in the Middle East. Kinga Mollov from Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa had the pleasure to interview Dr Mona Sayegh Ghoussoub, President of the Lebanese Orthodontic Society.

Dr Mona, could you please briefly introduce LOS and what the Society does?
Founded in 1965 in Beirut, Lebanon, the Lebanese Orthodontic Society (LOS) is one of the oldest dental scientific societies in the Middle East. Four orthodontists were instrumental in its conception: Drs. Pierre Rizkallah, Edgard Debbaneh, Frédéric Maalouf and Alexandre Khoury.

Today, the LOS is a member of the Arab Orthodontic Society, a corresponding member of the European Federation of Orthodontics and an affiliate organisation of the WFO. It has currently 250 affiliated members who are orthodontic specialists and practice orthodontics exclusively. Moreover, it contributes actively to the development and progress of orthodontics in Lebanon through the organization of one main meeting per year, as well as many seminars. Since 1993, several renowned orthodontists have participated in LOS meetings and seminars, including Drs. Robert Ricketts, Roberto Justus, Athanasios Athanasiou, Ravindra Nanda, in addition to many others.

Working closely with the Lebanese universities, the LOS supports the development of the specialty in Lebanon by furthering the continuing-education of its members and by encouraging the development of scientific research in orthodontics. In October 2001, the LOS hosted the 5th Arab Orthodontic Meeting in Beirut, during which the first directory of Arab orthodontists was released. The LOS also hosted the first meeting of French-speaking orthodontists in Beirut in February 2005. Most recently, Beirut was the site of the 11th Arab Orthodontic Meeting and 12th Lebanese Orthodontic Congress in November 2013. In 2016, the Golden Jubilee of the LOS was celebrated during the 3rd Francophone Meeting CIFO (Collège Inter-Universitaire Francophone en Orthodontie) in Beirut.

The LOS is active since 1965. Could you please tell us how far has the Society come since then?
Motivation and team work were the main reasons for the success and continuity of the LOS over the years. A few motivated and experienced orthodontists instigated the Society at the start with the ambition of better structuring the profession and keeping the orthodontists informed on latest advancements and techniques in the orthodontic field. Then it was leaded for many years by an orthodontist of talent Professor Pierre Rizkallah who braved all difficulties to maintain the subsistence of this institution. He was organising Scientific Meetings and seminars regularly inviting international and local speakers. 

The goal of the succeding LOS presidents was to keep on with the progress initiated and build more regional and international connections with other dental and orthodontic societies. The LOS participation in lots of international events all over the world as well as organising many conventions in Lebanon helped in establishing good relationships with other orthodontists and dental professionals at the scientific and human levels. 

Dr Mona, you have joined the Lebanese Orthodontic Society as President in 2018. Could you please share with us your experience so far?
The experience has been rewarding and worthy. My participation as a LOS member at the beginning, then part of the executive board and chair of the scientific committee later helped me greatly in progressing as LOS President with a background at the scientific, logistic and relational aspects. Since the start, the objectives were well-defined and approved by the newly elected board and committees involved in the good administration of the Society. 

Motivating orthodontists to subscribe to the LOS was one of the main goals to allow interaction and to keep them within the educational path. Interdisciplinary seminars with eminent speakers are organised on regular basis conferring different topics in relation with orthodontics. 

Working hand in hand with other orthodontic Societies such as the Tunisian, the ATREO “Association Tunisienne de recherche et d’études en orthodontie”, in two joint Meetings was successful and thriving. The first one took place in June 21-23, 2019 in Beirut and the second in December 14-16, 2019 in Tunis where colleagues shared their knowledge and consolidated friendships. 

In February 21-24, 2019, the 13th Saudi Arab Society Meeting was held jointly with the 14th Arab Orthodontic Society Conference in Jeddah and was at a high international level. All Arab Orthodontic Societies’ Presidents including Lebanon were present to exchange experience and coordinate together. 

It is important to emphasise that all previous and upcoming LOS achievements are owed to the team-work and efforts made by the preceding Presidents and Committees; and as the American Author Helen Keller quoted: “Alone we can do little; together we can do so much”.

What was the main goal you would like to achieve by the end of your presidency when you joined LOS?
In fact, while progressing in the work at the LOS, not only one but many fundamental goals seemed to be of major importance. If I must choose one, it would be to place the LOS in a leading and front position internationally by enhancing and supporting scientific research and publications. LOS can contribute actively to connect Lebanese orthodontists with other orthodontic organisations and institutions to attain this aim. 

The LOS is annually organising many events, could you give us more information about the upcoming one?
The 17th LOS Annual Meeting entitled "Overcoming Challenges in Orthodontics" will take place in June 20-22, 2019- Beirut, in addition to further programmed events. International distinguished speakers will participate at this event to share their knowledge and experience with the Lebanese orthodontists. As this meeting is planned to be of a high scientific level, not only Lebanese but also orthodontists from all nationalities are invited to join in order to combine efforts and plan for future collaborations. All information concerning LOS activities are regularly displayed and updated in the LOS website (www.leborthosoc.com).

Thank you for the interview and time Dr Mona.
