GUM Afta Clear® Spray

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GUM Afta Clear® Spray

Mouth ulcers or canker sores are painful sores that appear on the tongue, gums, roof of the mouth, or inside the lips or cheeks.

When the top layer of the mouth’s lining is removed, the nerve cells become exposed. Food, drink, air, and saliva can then irritate these nerve endings, causing even more pain and slowing down the healing process. This is why ulcers can affect your ability to concentrate, eat, drink, and even speak as normal. The good news is that we have a remedy. GUM Afta Clear® Spray acts as a barrier to protect the wound, promoting healing and providing pain relief, so you can get back to normal life as quickly as possible.


  • Long lasting and immediate pain relief from the first application
  • Fast healing
  • Alcohol-free, non-irritating
  • Will not sting, burn, or cause any numbness or dryness
  • Ideal for treating mouth ulcers, orthodontic abrasions, denture irritations, minor burns, or other small wounds in the mouth
  • Easy to apply directly to the affected part of the mouth
  • Suitable for adults and children (10+ kg/2+ years old) under adult supervision