DT News - MEA - "The participants can share the up-to-date knowledge about the field of Conservative Dentistry."

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"The participants can share the up-to-date knowledge about the field of Conservative Dentistry."

Thu. 7 February 2019


SHARJAH, UAE: The University of Sharjah organized the first regional ConsAsia 2018 conference of the Asian Oceanian Federation of Conservative Dentistry last December. The event was under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah, and President of the University of Sharjah.

The University inaugurated the first regional ConsAsia 2018 International Conference as part of the annual meeting of the Asian and Oceanian Federation of Conservative Dentistry (AOFCD). The conference comes under the theme "Contemporary Conservative Dentistry: Innovations for Tomorrow's Practice." The University's College of Dentistry organized the Conference in collaboration with the AOFCD and the Dental Division of the Emirates Medical Association (EMA), and with the participation of over 30 countries.

Amongst the list of VIP attendees included Prof. Elsiddig Ahmed ElMustafa El Sheikh, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, attended the ConsAsia along with Prof. Qutayba Hamid Al Heialy, Vice Chancellor for Medical Colleges and Health Sciences and Dean of College of Medicine; Mr. Majid Al-Jarwan, Vice Chancellor for Public Relations; Prof. Byeong-Hoon Cho, President of the AOFCD and ConsAsia 2019; Prof. Hien Chi Ngo, Dean of the College of Dental Medicine; Dr. Aisha Sultan, President of the Dental Division of the EMA; and a number of faculty and staff members at the University.

Dental Tribune had the pleasure to interview Prof. Byeong-Hoon Cho, President of the AOFCD and ConsAsia 2019 to get his view on the conference in the Middle East and beyond. 

Could you please share with us an introduction about yourself and your experience as president of the AOFCD.
I am Byeong-Hoon Cho, Professor of Department of Conservative Dentistry, Seoul National University School of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea. I am also the Founding President of the Asian-Oceanian Federation of Conservative Dentistry (AOFCD), the President of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) for its inaugurating scientific meeting, ConsAsia 2019, Seoul, Korea, the immediate past president of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry (KACD), and the Editor-in-Chief of the Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics. I am establishing the AOFCD and organising its biennial scientific meeting, ConsAsia.

When the ConsAsia initiative was proposed by the KACD, 16 scholars from 9 countries joined the first preparatory meeting and showed interests in founding an international organization in the field of Conservative Dentistry. Although the Conservative Dentistry is a very dynamic discipline, there had been no international organization, except ConsEuro, which is hosted by European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD). I felt they were eager for a platform where they could collaborate and communicate with each other in education, research, and practice in the field of Conservative Dentistry.

Considering the dynamic features of Conservative Dentistry, we all needed to have a platform where we can meet and communicate with each other and collaborate for the innovation and the future of Conservative Dentistry, so it was possible to establish AOFCD and hold ConsAsia. The international ConsAsia scientific conference will promote academic pride and clinical excellence for scholars, researchers, students, and clinicians in the field of Conservative Dentistry, ultimately contributing to the quality of care and improving oral health in the region.

For our MEA audience, could you please provide more information about the AOFCD and ConsAsia?
It is established to contribute to the promotion of oral health in the public interest and to facilitate communication and cooperation amongst the members in the Asian and Oceanian regions by encouraging excellence in the clinical practice, teaching and research pertinent to the scope of Conservative Dentistry.

In the early days of 2016, the ConsAsia initiative was proposed by the KACD to construct a network among the clinicians, researchers, and scholars of Asian and Oceanian countries in the field of Conservative Dentistry, and as a result, to contribute to improving the oral health of the populations in these areas. Hence, the KACD proposed to establish AOFCD and to hold biennial ConsAsia scientific meetings. 

At first, scholars from 9 countries (Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Taiwan) agreed with the initiative and met first in Seoul, Korea, on October 21, 2016 (First preparatory meeting). According to the decision of the first preparatory meeting, the LOC for the first ConsAsia 2019 meeting was composed in Korea in January, 2017. We prepared the Constitution and Bylaws of AOFCD and Guidelines for ConsAsia scientific meeting. As the scope of Conservative Dentistry, most participants agreed to include all aspects of the disciplines for saving teeth, such as Operative Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, and Endodontics. Different from the ConsEuro, the ConsAsia meeting will be supported by the Korean Academy of Endodontics and the Korean Academy of Adhesive Dentistry, as well as the KACD.

Professor Stephen Dunne from Great Britain, the Immediate Past President of European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD) and Professor Lorenzo Breschi from Italy, the President of EFCD, agreed with the ConsAsia initiative and supported the ConsAsia meetings with various means. With the help of EFCD, we revised the draft of the constitution and by-laws. They supported the ConsAsia team with their know-how to manage the federation and meetings and speakers.

During the 2nd preparatory meeting in Sharjah, UAE, on Nov 16, the 24 participants from 8 countries (Hong Kong, India, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE) agreed most of the agenda: the draft of Constitution and Bylaws of AOFCD and Guidelines for ConsAsia scientific meeting, the Keynote speakers, and the rough draft for the scientific programs were discussed and agreed. Main topics of ConsAsia 2019 were Cariology, Preventive Dentistry, Minimal invasive treatment, Vital pulp therapy, Dental education, Adhesives, Resin-based composites, Ceramic, Zirconia, CAD/CAM, Novel biomaterials, and New technologies. The LOC figured out 14 world-widely well-known keynote speakers and continues to construct the scientific programs (http://www.consasia.org/speakers/index_new.php). We have received suggestions for country representative speakers.

In order to promote interests in Conservative Dentistry and organization of regional societies, the Middle East Regional Conference, ConsAsia 2018, Sharjah, UAE was suggested and successfully held as an international meeting on December 6-7, 2018 by Professor Dean Hien Chi Ngo and Professor Hatem El-Damanhoury of University of Sharjah. As the inaugurating meeting, ConsAsia 2019, Seoul meeting will be held on November 8-10, 2019 at Grand Ballroom of COEX Convention Center, Seoul, Korea, and the second ConsAsia meeting will be held in 2021, Cochin, India. 

For more information, please refer to the home page for the AOFCD and ConsAsia meeting 2019 (www.aofcd.org and www.consasia.org, respectively), to which we will add contents continuously. The corporation for the AOFCD was established in Seoul, in January 23, 2018. The membership application opened in November, 2018. Abstract submission will be open on March 1, 2019. The LOC will do its best for success of ConsAsia 2019, Seoul, Korea.

How did ConsAsia 2018 come to Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates?
As mentioned above, in order to promote interests in Conservative Dentistry and organization of regional societies, Professor Dean Hien Chi Ngo proposed the Middle East Regional Conference. Professor Hatem El-Damanhoury as Secretary General of the LOC for the ConsAsia 2018, Sharjah, UAE held the meeting successfully.  Professor Dean Hien Chi Ngo promised to continue organizing Conservative Dentistry societies and holding the Regional Conservative Dentistry meeting.

What will happen at ConsAsia 2019 and how can our Middle East dental audience engage with this event?
The 1st General Meeting of the Asian-Oceanian Federation of Conservative Dentistry (ConsAsia 2019) will be held on November 8 (Fri) – 10 (Sun), 2019 at Grand Ballroom of COEX Convention Center, Seoul, Korea. The main theme of the ConsAsia 2019 is ‘Conservative Dentistry: the Path from Research to High-quality Care’. The main topics of its Scientific Programs are Cariology, Preventive dentistry, Minimal invasive treatment, Vital pulp therapy, Endodontics, Dental education, Adhesives, Resin-based composites, Ceramic, Zirconia, CAD/CAM, Novel biomaterials, and New technologies. Approximately 1,500 scholars and clinicians from more than 30 Asian and Oceanian countries will join the ConsAsia 2019 Seoul meeting. 

Fourteen most famous internationally well-known keynote speakers will participate to the scientific programs to give lectures on the up-to-date knowledges about the recently most-attracted subjects in the field of Conservative Dentistry. More than 30 country representative speakers will give lectures in concurrent sessions. We invite researchers, clinicians, and students from all of the Asian and Oceanian countries to submit abstracts for presentation to share and discuss their latest findings. There will be chances to discuss your issues with world most famous speakers. The presentation will be open for Research (Oral and Poster), Clinical Case Reports (Oral and Poster, for Residents and Graduate students only). For the presentations, Awards for Excellent Clinical Case Presentation, Excellent Research Presentation, and Student Research Presentation will be granted. A commercial exhibition of dental supply companies and other relevant organizations will also be concurrently held in the Grand Ballroom and Lobby. These exhibits will complement and enrich the scientific program and reflect its wide scope.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol. 44, No. 4, which will be published on November 30, 2019. RDE is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, KoreaMed, Synapse, KoMCI, Crossref, DOAJ, and Google Scholar. 

The LOC will organize social/tour programs as well as well-balanced scientific programs to make your trip to Korea very fruitful and interesting (Please refer to the recent newsletter: http://www.consasia.org/newsletter/mail_181227.html). During the days of ConsAsia 2019, the Autumn color of Korea will be fantastic. 

In summary, ConsAsia 2019 Seoul Meeting will be attractive due to:

1. It is the first and only conservative dentistry conference where the world of Conservative Dentistry comes together. 

2. Be a part of the frontier of Conservative Dentistry in Asia and Oceania where innovative ideas will be exchanged.

3. Meet with new vendors and suppliers where the newest and best products and services will be introduced

4. Make connections with friends and colleagues where you will find the greatest opportunities to build professional connections, all within just a few hours’ flight.

5. Explore Korea. You never imagined Seoul - Korea’s capital city is a mega city of over 10 million with more than 2000 years of history. It is a city of the past, present, and the future, full of stories, excitements (K-pop), culture, adventure, and intrigue.

Anyone who is interested in the Conservative Dentistry can join the ConsAsia 2019. The abstract submission system will open on March 1, 2019. Abstract submission deadline will be May 31, 2019. Submit your abstract via Online Abstract Submission system through the ConsAsia homepage (www.consasia.org). Abstract acceptance notification will be on June 28, 2019. 

Online registration will also be available from May to August through the ConsAsia homepage (www.consasia.org). It would be beneficial in the registration fee if the participants would be AOFCD members whether they are to be individual members or their organization be a full member (Please refer to the Newsletter [Newsletter ver. 02] and ConsAsia 2019 Brochure from the Download Center in the main page of ConsAsia homepage (www.consasia.org).

Can be part of the AOFCD:

Any national society, association, or other organization in the field of Conservative Dentistry and related disciplines in Asia and Oceania shall be eligible to apply for Full Membership of the AOFCD. Other organizations and institutions which have a special interest in the object of the AOFCD. Manufacturers of dental materials, equipment and instrumentation, publishers and other commercial organizations with a special interest in the object of the AOFCD. Individuals with interests in the object of the AOFCD.

Now the registration site for the AOFCD membership registration has finally been constructed.

1. Registration for AOFCD membership: Please refer to the AOFCD hompage (http://www.aofcd.org/membership). 

2. Advisory Board of ConsAsia 2019: Would you please participate as an Advisory Board member of the ConsAsia 2019 Scientific Meeting? If your and/or related associations participate, the name of the Association will be added as an Advisory Association at AOFCD homepage (http://www.aofcd.org/about/sub3.php) and ConsAsia homepage (http://www.consasia.org/info/related.php), as well as in the Program Book. 

After discussing with the Board of your affiliated Association whether your Association joins the AOFCD Membership and/or is willing to participate and become an Advisory Association of the ConsAsia 2019 Scientific Meeting, 

A. Please proceed your registration for the membership, and 

B. Please let us know the name, representative, and contact details of the Association.

The initiative started by the Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry (KACD), what is the main message when it comes to Conservative Dentistry?
At first, the ConsAsia initiative was conceptualized in the KACD as a way to internationalize the academy and its member.

As mentioned in the answer to the first question, although the Conservative Dentistry is a very dynamic discipline, there is no international organization, except ConsEuro, which is hosted by European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD). I felt the participants at the first preparatory meeting showed interests in founding an international organization in the field of Conservative Dentistry and were very eager for a platform where they could collaborate and communicate with each other in education, research, and practice in the field of Conservative Dentistry. 

Considering the dynamic features of Conservative Dentistry, we all needed to a platform where we can meet and communicate each other and collaborate for the innovation and the future of Conservative Dentistry. The international ConsAsia scientific conference will promote academic pride and clinical excellence for scholars, researchers, students, and clinicians in the field of Conservative Dentistry, ultimately contributing to the quality of care and improving oral health in the region.

Therapy, diagnostics, prevention—what are your concrete recommendations?

As mentioned in the answer to the question 4, the main theme of the ConsAsia 2019 is ‘Conservative Dentistry: the Path from Research to High-quality Care’. Since the scope of the ConsAsia includes all the disciplines that aim to preserve teeth, the main topics of its Scientific Programs include from the basic sciences to the high-quality practices; such as Cariology, Preventive dentistry, Minimal invasive treatment, Vital pulp therapy, Endodontics, Dental education, Adhesives, Resin-based composites, Ceramic, Zirconia, CAD/CAM, Novel biomaterials, and New technologies. 

The participants can share the up-to-date knowledge about the recently most-attracted subjects in the field of Conservative Dentistry and discuss the issues with internationally well-known keynote speakers and the country representative speakers. As a general conference, the speakers in the ConsAsia 2019 are the expertise from in the basic sciences to in the clinical disciplines of prevention, diagnostics and therapy. Concurrent exhibition of dental supply companies and other relevant organizations will complement and enrich the scientific program and reflect its wide scope.

What advise can you give to dentists looking to specialize in a certain specialization in dentistry?
Dental caries and periodontal disease are the most prevalent diseases of humans. The impact of maintaining oral health on the general health and longevity of individual person is well-accepted. The elderly population is rapidly increasing, and demand for improving quality of life will also expand rapidly. With the development of the mass media, the desire for aesthetic treatment of the patients has greatly increased. All these environments have driven the dynamics of Conservative Dentistry, leading to the development and innovations of new dental materials, particularly aesthetic dental materials, and requiring changes in the daily clinical protocols. The dynamic characteristics of Conservative Dentistry will be a new challenge and opportunity for young dentists who are looking for a speciality. 

Finally, what is your intake on Dentistry in the Middle East?
In view of the dynamic characteristics of Conservative Dentistry, the clinicians, scholars, and researchers who major in the disciplines related to preservation of teeth are required to ensure academic excellence and clinical professionalism of Conservative Dentistry, to increase their pride, and to contribute to the future of Conservative Dentistry. For the purpose, we should organize local and global academic meetings and research conferences as a platform that allows us to cooperate and share information with each other. I sincerely hope that the Regional Conservative Dentistry Societies will be organised in the Middle East and its own academic conferences will be held continuously.
