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PIEZOSURGERY inserts with clinicians for clinicians

Mectron s.p.a. – Middle East
Mectron s.p.a. – Middle East

Mectron s.p.a. – Middle East

Mon. 3 February 2020


Realized in combination with the ideas coming directly from the most experienced clinicians and Mectron longstanding experience and technical know-how in insert development.

Inserts OT12 and OT12S - For precise and fast bone cuts

Dedicated to the osteotomy techniques where the standard piezoelectric bone saws may have a difficult surgical approach like bilateral sagittal split osteotomy and Le Fort I osteotomy.

Inserts PR1 and PR2 for periosteum preparation

• Significant higher local microcirculation after subperiostal preparartion
• Better healing of soft tissue mucoperiostal flaps, especially in patients with compromised health status
• Higher bmp (bone morphogenetic protein) release after preparation compared to conventional preparation with a raspatory

Inserts PL1, PL2, PL3, PIEZO-LIFT by crestal approach according to Prof. Tomaso Vercellotti

New protocol for internal sinus lift for a maximum safety during maxillary sinus floor surgical approach.

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